This Town Needs Posters
independent print and design
Svin + Human Hair People / Schokoladen, Berlin // block print on 120gsm Materica paper // pantone reflex blue + white // feat Favorit Lining by Dinamo (via the mighty @fontstand) and the reuse of our previous lettering collab //...
  1. Svin + Human Hair People / Schokoladen, Berlin // block print on 120gsm Materica paper // pantone reflex blue + white // feat Favorit Lining by Dinamo (via the mighty @fontstand) and the reuse of our previous lettering collab // #thistownneedsposters#berlin #schokoladen #svin#humanhairpeople #abcdinamo#favoritlining #tanjamodrakovic#printspotters

  1. 1 noteTimestamp: Monday 2018/11/19 20:56:16
  1. thistownneedsposters posted this
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